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¹ x å D q O w ³ Û á è ³ ã ï Z ` o M b { Þ Ú E t x !. The various uses can range from advertising to logotype—from small descriptors to pull quotes The family’s high xheight and wide letterforms help retain legibility and readability at smaller sizes. ïÐ Ó¼ïµ Û Ü ïÐ Ó¼ïµ Û Ü * þ¢)£ ïÐ Ó¼ïµ Û Ü & 45 % ÞGLw Qà »xî pK  pxK d {Þ Q $¢ ïÐ ¼ïµ Q£x8FCp¬ `oM b{IUUQ XXX TFJXB DP KQ FND Î Î ¤ ¥ ¦ & 4' ïÐ Ó¼ïµ Û Ü * þ.

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By Various åBEING A POETICAL AND MODERNISED VERSION OF DEAN SWIFT'S CELEBRATED "DIRECTIONS TO SERVANTS;" IN WHICH SOMETHING IS ADDED TO THE ORIGINAL TEXT, BUT THOSE PASSAGES ARE OMITTED WHICH CANNOT WITH PROPRIETY BE READ ALOUD IN A KITCHEN ™Click on the ## before many of the titles to view a linked table of contents for that. " # $ % % ' % ' ' $ " * , / 0 1 $ ' $ ' 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;. Remember the ampersand at the start and the semicolon at the end of each "tag" Á á À Â à Â â Ä ä Ã ã Å å Æ æ Ç.

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